A Thought Occurred Me Today – What Earth Actually Is


I was laying in bed this morning and thanking God for another day on his beautiful planet, something I try to do every morning, and this morning I felt the power of Lord moreso than most mornings.

As I lay there I could feel the warmth wash over me and I was unable to continue with my morning prayer. The power of the Holy Spirit made clear formulation of words hard to accomplish. That got me thinking about the seraphim (illustrated above) which constantly fly around the Lord in heaven. They are only able to repeat “Holy, Holy, Holy” over and over again. Perhaps they are so overwhelmed by the power of the Lord this is the only thought that gushes from them. I found myself only able to repeat those same words when the power of the Lord washed over me this morning as well.

This also got me thinking about life on Earth. Maybe it is a gift to be in a sort of outpost from heaven. This space allows us to have free will and to choose our path. If we were simply born into existence near the Lord our God we would be heavily influenced by his sheer power.  Here, you are in as neutral an environment as you can get. You can choose good or bad. You can prove to the Lord that you want to be with him.

‘Earth is a middle-ground’ or  ‘a testing-ground’ is a concept most all Christians are familiar with. The cynical may try to look at God through human eyes and assigning him human thoughts, so they think there is some self-entertainment motive there. To look at the God, who is almighty and all good, in that sort of way is blasphemous. We will never be able to understand the mind of the almighty. The best we can do is worship him and pray.


Spirituality vs Believing in God

Contributed by Brad

One of the things I have heard more and more of over the years is people saying they are “spiritual” and “not religious”. Religion has become somewhat of a taboo word in modern western society. The word to them means rigidness, old fashioned and even worse, a cult that takes advantages of its members. And the term “organized religion” has become a dirty word.

The truth is that organized religion is perfect in the eyes of God when all participants are behaving according to the scripture. The hypocrites and evil doers that have used Christianity to harm others are the exact opposite of what the religion is about. But because evil people have claimed to be believers, it is easy for some to throw the baby out with the bathwater. John 4:24 “Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind.” Continue reading Spirituality vs Believing in God