A Dream in Which God Showed Me Something

This dream occurred a few nights ago and for some reason I didn’t write it down until now. Usually I like to record dreams that I find to be powerful or significant right away so that I don’t lose any detail.

In this dream, God permitted me to see what it was like for him to have to condemn sinners to hell. He made me see it through his eyes and see how very sad he was that he had to condemn these people, because he had created them and knew them all personally. He wanted nothing but the best for them but they chose a life of sin. They were given chance and chance again to turn their lives around but they chose not to. Free will is real.

It really hurt him to see them go to a place of everlasting suffering. I felt his immense power and strength but I also felt the overwhelming sadness when one of his children was condemned. And there were many.

I awoke from the dream with a new perspective, of course. We have always heard that he knows us all individually and that he cares for us as well (see this link for Scriptural references) but I got to witness it and feel it first hand (you know how real dreams can feel).

Are these dreams from God? I believe so. The Scriptures tell us that dreams are one of the most common ways he speaks (Numbers 12:6) and that they are made accessible to us through the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:16-17).

I always feel blessed when I have dreams that involve the Lord or Jesus. I often will pray at bedtime that he reveal something to me as I sleep.


~ Brad

The Meaning of Life

When I was a kid and we would be watching a movie where the main character was able to ask God one question and they asked “what is the meaning of life?” I was always perplexed. I didn’t understand this question. As I got older I started understanding it a little more because I realized there are many people living rudderless and meaningless lives. That is not a dig at them. Many of them would probably admit as much.

In my mid-forties I still think the question is a little silly. The meaning of life is to find meaning in your life. Pretty simple right? But on a deeper and more spiritual level, it really means to worship God and put him before everything. It also means to follow his commandments. These commandments have true meaning and are a blueprint on how to live life.

One excerpt from scripture I found today which kind of sums this up is

Ecclesiastes 12:13

“Fear God and keep his commandments: For this is the whole duty of a man”.

There it is. That is your entire duty and purpose here.