A Dream in Which God Showed Me Something

This dream occurred a few nights ago and for some reason I didn’t write it down until now. Usually I like to record dreams that I find to be powerful or significant right away so that I don’t lose any detail.

In this dream, God permitted me to see what it was like for him to have to condemn sinners to hell. He made me see it through his eyes and see how very sad he was that he had to condemn these people, because he had created them and knew them all personally. He wanted nothing but the best for them but they chose a life of sin. They were given chance and chance again to turn their lives around but they chose not to. Free will is real.

It really hurt him to see them go to a place of everlasting suffering. I felt his immense power and strength but I also felt the overwhelming sadness when one of his children was condemned. And there were many.

I awoke from the dream with a new perspective, of course. We have always heard that he knows us all individually and that he cares for us as well (see this link for Scriptural references) but I got to witness it and feel it first hand (you know how real dreams can feel).

Are these dreams from God? I believe so. The Scriptures tell us that dreams are one of the most common ways he speaks (Numbers 12:6) and that they are made accessible to us through the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:16-17).

I always feel blessed when I have dreams that involve the Lord or Jesus. I often will pray at bedtime that he reveal something to me as I sleep.


~ Brad

Being Aware of Satan

I think that many people try to live in a world where they think the key to a happy life is to focus only on the good. But, only fairy tales have no evil and even most of those have an antagonist.

I was watching a video earlier by Pastor Francis Chan where he emphasizes that we should all be aware that Satan exists and that he is always working against us (video posted below). If you believe in Christ, you must believe that Satan exists too. Satan is the antagonist in our story. In fact, like Mr. Chan says in his video, Satan comes at us all the time through popular media and culture. Shows and movies involving spiritualists talking to the dead, crime and gore are just a few of the many themes in which he gets to us. But I digress.

Watching the video got me to thinking about a very vivid dream I had a long time ago. I am thinking I was in my teens, so at least 22-27 years ago. In the dream, I was living in a world being ruled by Satan.  Myself and countless people were chained to a machine that resembled a furnace but with levers and such. We were made to work endlessly and not stop for a second or Satan would notice and punish us. My brother was in the spot next to me. No talking. No anything. The world was consumed with fire and the sky was red. Satan himself was enormous, like a giant. The landscape resembled the burnt out cityscape of New York or any other large city with skyscrapers. It truly was hell on Earth.

hell on Earth Continue reading Being Aware of Satan

Holy Dream from Last Night

Contributed by Brad

I had a dream I traveled domestically and when I came back to my home airport I had then accidentally got on a flight that took me far overseas. I was panicked to say the least. The people on the plane were trying to comfort me and did a good job.

Finally somehow, I ended up in the Middle East and I was trying to find my way back. The airport resembled more of a children’s circus than an actual airport.  I was with a young woman who I could not quite identify (You know how dreams are, they fill in some blanks later). We were then taking a tram of some sort. A guy overheard our conversation and said he would help. The girl had to go somewhere else and it was just he and I in the train car. The were no doors in this tram car and they were small. They would fit 6 people max, like a theme park ride.

Suddenly, I look in the background and saw a huge towering church steeple, but it was indoors. I was overcome with the powerful feeling of God himself and began to cry in happiness. There was a super bright light up high. The guy with me, his demeanor changed and he said “its alright, let it out.” Afterward, he agreed to drive us to some of the areas holiest areas for money. We agreed.  Continue reading Holy Dream from Last Night