Former Mobster Who is Now a Soldier for Christ

The mafia is known in the United States as “organized crime” which specializes in making money from illicit activities. These activities include extortion, theft, racketeering, gambling, prostitution, drugs (sometimes) and violence.

Its safe to say that anyone who partook in the “mob life” for any length of time has participated in at least some (and sometimes all) of these activities. It takes a hard heart to rob, beat and even murder people.

One of these mobster’s name is Michael Franzese. He is now very famous after he has written books about his life and has appeared on many show. He is a reformed mobster. One thing which makes him different from some other reformed mobsters is his love of and belief in Christ. You can tell by the way he speaks about Christ, by looking into his eyes, that he is all-in.

Recently, I saw an interview he did where he spoke of his days as a mobster. It should be noted that he never brags or boasts. He always admits that it was wrong and that he has many regrets. Continue reading Former Mobster Who is Now a Soldier for Christ

Near Death Experiences from Very Credible Scientific People

Some of the better near death experiences (NDE’s) or after-life experiences you will ever hear are from people who were either skeptics or are trained and practicing scientists. They have solid reputations and there is no angle to be had by confabulating a story.

Today, I want to share two of those stories here on this blog. Both are profound. Both occurred to Doctors. One Doctor was a witness and the other experienced it first hand.

It can be said that since these guys went on to write about their experience and sold books and that this was their angle the entire time. But I assure you that that they were making great money already and did not want to invite the inevitable ridicule from their colleagues.


Hippie Girl Finds Jesus in Most Unconventional Way

One of the Youtube channels to which I am subscribed belongs to a documentary filmmaker who was very active from the 1960’s until the 2000’s. He often posts interviews he conducted of people who were young adults in the tumultuous 1960’s.

Recently, he created a mashup of people giving their interviews and released it on Youtube. One woman in particular really stuck out to people, so much so that they contacted the filmmaker and asked him to post her entire interview. He obliged.

From the moment you hear and see this person speak you will be able to tell how intelligent, bright and well-spoken she is. Her path to finding the Lord Jesus Christ is so very interesting. She basically had to take the long way around but she had one experience that is truly fascinating and was powerful enough to make her a follower of Jesus for the rest of this life. Please enjoy.


Prayer Book from 1915

Now that we are all stuck at home, I have had plenty of time to go over items in my folders and steamer trunk. It is fun going through old pictures that felt like they were taken yesterday but are actually from 25 years ago.

I came across a very important keepsake of mine. My great grandfather’s prayer book from the year 1915. My grandmother gave it to me and she has held on to it all these years so I was honored when she let me have it.

It is pretty well weathered but is still in OK shape considering he carried it around so much. I have included some photos of it below.

The folded marked page has “Prayers to be Used in Families: Morning Prayer” and is followed by what many of us now refer to as “The Lord’s Prayer”. Continue reading Prayer Book from 1915

Danger of Worshiping False God

When you hear the phrase “worship a false God”, people often think of people that are in cults and people who worship false God’s with names, Cthulhu for example. Or they think of the golden sacred calf in the Bible. But, in today’s society, people are worshiping false God’s all the time without even realizing it.

The newest way this has come at us is people saying that they are “spiritual” and that they pray to “their God”. Their God is usually some helper personality that agrees with everything they think. In reality, God has some very strict rules and worshiping God is fearing God.

It is tough to know that we are born into sin and everyday we must account for those sins and ask forgiveness for them. It is much easier to create some fantasy God to stroke one’s ego.

Here is a video I have found that speaks on the topic rather accurately and intelligently. Enjoy

An Amazing and Powerful Personal Experience

by Gary

Grand Island Nebraska, 1980. At this time I was in my apartment…

It was quite late at night and I was getting ready to go to bed. I had sat at the base of my bed and started to pray with intercession. I had been praying for some time and then prayed this prayer as I started to fall asleep:

“Lord, cover me with your full armor. Clothe me with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the swiftness of your sandles, the shield of faith to deflect the fiery darts of the evil one, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is Your word. Lord also surround me with Your angels for protection and in some way, use me tonight.”

All of a sudden I heard terrified screams Continue reading An Amazing and Powerful Personal Experience

My First Real Holy Experience

Contributed by Brad

I grew up in household that didn’t speak much about God or Jesus.  In fact, the only real exposure to God or Jesus was when my brothers and I would visit my Grandmother in Virginia.  She would talk to us about God and Jesus and give us the occasional Christian coloring book. She was very firm in her beliefs and I believed her. But then we would hop on the Piedmont airliner and head home and get back into our regular non-Christian lives. I would continue to say my prayers once in awhile.  And when I asked my parents “why don’t we go to church?” or say “we should go to church.” they would always reply “sure, we will go.” But that never happened. Continue reading My First Real Holy Experience