Hippie Girl Finds Jesus in Most Unconventional Way

One of the Youtube channels to which I am subscribed belongs to a documentary filmmaker who was very active from the 1960’s until the 2000’s. He often posts interviews he conducted of people who were young adults in the tumultuous 1960’s.

Recently, he created a mashup of people giving their interviews and released it on Youtube. One woman in particular really stuck out to people, so much so that they contacted the filmmaker and asked him to post her entire interview. He obliged.

From the moment you hear and see this person speak you will be able to tell how intelligent, bright and well-spoken she is. Her path to finding the Lord Jesus Christ is so very interesting. She basically had to take the long way around but she had one experience that is truly fascinating and was powerful enough to make her a follower of Jesus for the rest of this life. Please enjoy.


Listening to the Word on Your Mobile Device

One Place really Does Live Up to Its Name – This is not a paid endorsement

Two of my preset stations in my automobile are set for local Christian stations. They rotate modern Christian music in with sermons from nationally renown (and sometimes local) preachers.

As far as streaming to your mobile device goes, there is one app that really does a fantastic job. Its called OnePlace. They also have their website OnePlace.com from which you can stream. Its totally free and you can play in the background while your screen is off. I usually do exactly this when I am walking in the trails to get my daily physical exercise.

Two preachers in particular that I love listening to are Adrian Rogers and Dr. Charles Stanley. What I love about these two gentlemen’s message is that it is not sugarcoated. They specifically rail against softening the message in order to attract as many followers – like other famed personalities do. Mr. Rogers specifically will get very excited at times and his voice will become powerful and really drive home the point he is making.

I hop this information helps you find the message you are looking for and helps you deepen your devotion to Christ.


When to Pray

when do you pray?Many people, and I have been guilty of this before too, only pray when things are going poorly for them. They usually ask for help from almighty God. But, I have found that praying and giving thanks is just as important when things are going very well.

It is definitely a rewarding experience to thank the creator of all things for the blessings he has bestowed upon us. I often thank him for creating this universe and allowing me to take part in it. I then pray that I really hope to join the Lord in the afterlife through Jesus Christ. Continue reading When to Pray

The Eternal Orb

I had a dream a few months ago that I wanted to share. I don’t know how profound it is or even if it is profound at all. But anytime you have God speaking to you in a dream, it probably is well worth sharing.

I don’t remember how the first part of the dream went. Somehow I ended up in Heaven, on a tour. The first item I want to share about this dream is a feeling I received. That feeling was that Heaven is God’s home. It’s not a place created for good humans to hang out after they die, like some country club. The feeling was that Heaven is God’s living area, and those who are truly good, get to join him. Kind of like a grandfather with an enormous farm where all his offspring are happy to be visiting and want to stay indefinitely Continue reading The Eternal Orb

Fearing God – What Does it Mean?

Walk with GodI was going for my nightly walk through the wooded and sandy trails of nature while listening to a video on Youtube. Sometimes, you don’t have to actually watch the videos as they are great for listening while doing other activities at the same time. Anyhow, this particular video is from a preacher named Francis Chan. He is on my radar because I watched some of his videos on Right Now Media, a free Christian media service.

Anyway, my opinion on Francis is this: He is empowered by the Holy Spirit. He speaks with such conviction and certainty he must be. I also think that he isn’t afraid to say what he thinks. I think the way he is able to speak to young people, in their own cadence, is a gift. Continue reading Fearing God – What Does it Mean?

Prayer Book from 1915

Now that we are all stuck at home, I have had plenty of time to go over items in my folders and steamer trunk. It is fun going through old pictures that felt like they were taken yesterday but are actually from 25 years ago.

I came across a very important keepsake of mine. My great grandfather’s prayer book from the year 1915. My grandmother gave it to me and she has held on to it all these years so I was honored when she let me have it.

It is pretty well weathered but is still in OK shape considering he carried it around so much. I have included some photos of it below.

The folded marked page has “Prayers to be Used in Families: Morning Prayer” and is followed by what many of us now refer to as “The Lord’s Prayer”. Continue reading Prayer Book from 1915

Danger of Worshiping False God

When you hear the phrase “worship a false God”, people often think of people that are in cults and people who worship false God’s with names, Cthulhu for example. Or they think of the golden sacred calf in the Bible. But, in today’s society, people are worshiping false God’s all the time without even realizing it.

The newest way this has come at us is people saying that they are “spiritual” and that they pray to “their God”. Their God is usually some helper personality that agrees with everything they think. In reality, God has some very strict rules and worshiping God is fearing God.

It is tough to know that we are born into sin and everyday we must account for those sins and ask forgiveness for them. It is much easier to create some fantasy God to stroke one’s ego.

Here is a video I have found that speaks on the topic rather accurately and intelligently. Enjoy

Being Aware of Satan

I think that many people try to live in a world where they think the key to a happy life is to focus only on the good. But, only fairy tales have no evil and even most of those have an antagonist.

I was watching a video earlier by Pastor Francis Chan where he emphasizes that we should all be aware that Satan exists and that he is always working against us (video posted below). If you believe in Christ, you must believe that Satan exists too. Satan is the antagonist in our story. In fact, like Mr. Chan says in his video, Satan comes at us all the time through popular media and culture. Shows and movies involving spiritualists talking to the dead, crime and gore are just a few of the many themes in which he gets to us. But I digress.

Watching the video got me to thinking about a very vivid dream I had a long time ago. I am thinking I was in my teens, so at least 22-27 years ago. In the dream, I was living in a world being ruled by Satan.  Myself and countless people were chained to a machine that resembled a furnace but with levers and such. We were made to work endlessly and not stop for a second or Satan would notice and punish us. My brother was in the spot next to me. No talking. No anything. The world was consumed with fire and the sky was red. Satan himself was enormous, like a giant. The landscape resembled the burnt out cityscape of New York or any other large city with skyscrapers. It truly was hell on Earth.

hell on Earth Continue reading Being Aware of Satan